What is pet insurance?
- Whenever your dog or cat needs to go to the vet due to an illness or an accident, you pay the bill and the insurance will pay it back.
- These insurances are designed to release you from having to take difficult decisions or worrying about the money when the only thing you need to worry about is the health of your pet.
- They exist to cover unexpected expenses derived from an illness or accidents your cat or dog might suffer.
- They allow you to choose your vet of preference.
- They pay for the cost of any vet bills and prescribed medicines.
- They work like a comprehensive insurance, if you suffer from a collision the insurance pays for it.
Peace of Mind
Illnesses and accidents
Possibility of choosing your preferred vet
How does a Pet insurance works?
- Buy your insurance online, through your computer or even your smartphone.
- Whenever your dog or cat is ill or suffers an accident, take him to your vet of preference, and give him the best care possible, your insurance will be there to back you up with the charges!
- Send us the bills and the report from the vet and we Will pay back all the expenses arising from the transfer to your bank account.
Why do you need a health insurance for your dog?
- Veterinary medicine has developed at the same rate as the human medicine has.
- A lot of the treatments that our dogs might need can easily go up as high as 1000€.
- We know that the best way to take care of our dogs is to always be able to say YES to any veterinary treatment that suits the problem, with no regards of its costs.
- Petplan, with a Price of only 0,7€ a day, Will provide you the tranquillity of knowing that your dog will ALWAYS receive the best care possible.
What do you need to know about
pet insurances?
Maximum reimbursement
The maximum amount an insurance company will pay you a year. At Petplan we reimburse more than any other in Spain: up to 3100€
Gap coverage period
The biggest pet insurance companies in Spain, establish a gap coverage periods of 1,2 or even 3 months, in Petplan our gap coverage period is of 15 days for accidents and 1 month for illnesses.
Co-payment and reimbursement percentage
When hiring an insurance, please read carefully all the conditions written in it, there are some policies that Will only cover the 90%, 70% or even as little as 50% of your vet bill. Petplan reimburses the 100%.
Some Spanish companies have pre-established vets, this forces the owner of the pet to go to a vet that is not the one preferred, with Petplan, you can go to the vet YOU decide.
Pre-existing diseases
No health insurance for pets in Spain covers pre-existing diseases, that is, those that your cat or dog had before taking out the insurance. They are NOT covered by Petplan either.
Very few insurances in Spain cover for medicines, read the small print, in Petplan if you pay for the medicines prescribed by your vet.
Petplan reimburses you 100% of veterinary expenses
up to € 3.100 per year
PETPLAN is a Simple and Easy insurance to Understand
Reimbursement of veterinary expenses due to illness or accident
We will pay you up to an annual maximum of € 3.100 with a 100% refund percentage and a € 45 co-payment per illness.
Compensation for robbery/theft
We compensate you with the value of the pet with a maximum of € 600, in case your cat or dog is taken from you with violence.
Compensation for death by accident
We will pay you the monetary value of your pet, up to a maximum of € 600, in case he or she dies due to an accident.
Other services
Dog or cat owner support package, specialized telephone assistance.
With our Veterinary Insurance you have a 24/7 phone service, 365 days/year, for diverse advice about your pet and a phone veterinary service. You will be able to make any consultation related to symptoms or veterinary treatments, health programs, geriatrics, oral care, etc. As well as a 24h veterinary emergency service.
More information in this LINK.
Compensation for death due to an illness
We will pay you the value of your pet, up to a maximum of € 600, in case your pet dies of an illness.
Ad expenses in case of loss
We reimburse you the expenses in ads in case of loss of your cat or dog with a maximum of € 600 per year.
Sacrifice expenses and elimination of remains of the animal
We reimburse the expenses for sacrifice and elimination of remains of the animal with a maximum of € 200.
Stay in animal residences
We reimburse you the expenses for stay in animal residence when you should be hospitalized, up to a maximum of € 600.