Hundägare i Spanien är skyldiga att reagera lagligt för alla skador som deras djur kan orsaka.

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Guaranteed by Telefonica

1 minute digital
& 100% secure

Protegete de las travesuras de tu perro

For any kind of eventuality

Petplan RC Top

Anual Public Liability €500.000

European Union coverage

Legal Defense

Civil Bonds

To sleep calm

Petplan RC Basic

European Union Coverage

Legal Defense

Civil Bonds

€  25 year

Third Party Liability Insurance for dog owners

Third party liability insurance for dogs is an insurance policy that covers unexpected expenses arising from damage to third parties or their property caused by a dog.

Civil liability insurance is a policy that covers the damage that a pet can cause to third parties. They can be either material damage or bodily injury to another person. Normally, this insurance covers both the civil liability of the pet owner and that of an occasional owner.

Third party liability covers you if your dog:

Injures someone
Injures another dog
Damages or breaks someone else’s belongings or property

Third party liability will cover:
Medical costs due to your dog biting another person
Vet bills due to damages to other dogs
Legal fees
Damage costs 

  • It covers financial claims for damage to other people's property: for example, the breakage of a person's mobile phone when our dog lunges at them, even if it does not bite them.

  • It covers financial claims arising from the consequences of our dogs' actions on other people: for example, a fall from a bicycle, when our dog unexpectedly barks too close to a cyclist.

  • It covers financial claims for damage to other people's property: for example, the breakage of a person's mobile phone when our dog lunges at them, even if it does not bite them.

  • Optionally, almost all insurance policies cover the costs arising from legal defence in the event of a claim of this type: the insurance will provide legal assistance and compensation in possible legal situations such as a lawsuit.

  • These insurances DO NOT COVER damage caused by the dog itself to its owner, its partner, parents, children, grandchildren or any person who accepts custody of the pet.

The importance of dealing with someone who knows about dogs

Petplan is the commercial name for Petplan Iberica S.L. which markets this insurance as an insurance brokerage firm and Telefónica Seguros provides and subscribes our policies.

Petplan Iberica S.L. is registered in Spain and in the General Directorate of insurance with the key J 3103 and with the C.I.F: B-90.057.431

Petplan is a Brand registered in Great Britain by PetPlan Limited with the Nº 1282939

Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU

Plan de Recuperación Transformación

Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil para Perros
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