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German Sheperds

German Sheperds Normally Suffer From Hip Dysplasia

HIP DYSPLASIA is a disease that threatens the life of your dog, with PETPLAN you can detect it and treat it

Breed characteristics

General appearance: robust and flexible, slightly elongated, muscular body, its jaws close in scissors. It is a companion dog since it is a balanced and easy to train dog.

  • Male: 60-65 cm
  • Female: 55-60 cm
  • Male: 30-40 kg
  • Female: 22-32 kg
  • Pet dog, protection and service.
  • From 500 to 590 g. daily.
  • Balanced temperament, with firm nerves, sure of itself, unwrapped and (except when provoked) friendly; At the same time you should be attentive and easy to train.
  • Germany.
  • From 9 to 13 years old.

Common illnesses

Protect your German Sheperds’s health. Get a quote


Gastric dilatation


Intestinal Disorders​


Spleen Tumors​


Hip or Elbow Dysplasia

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Breed origins

Its origins go back to the end of the 19th century, when a breeding program was initiated in Germany to guard and protect herds of rams against the wolves. The cavalry captain of the German army, Maximilian von Stephanitz, is considered the father of the race. Later, after the appearance of the Association of Friends of the German Shepherd in 1899, a selection of specimens whose crosses improved both the psychic and physical aspect of the animal was initiated.

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